Hormones are an integral part of health and well-being.
Without hormones, our bodies would struggle with core physiological processes like growth, thermoregulation, cellular repair, metabolism, fertility and reproduction, pain management, digestion, and more.
Why test hormones?
Hormone deficiencies have a significant impact on the aging process. Critical hormones such as DHEA, testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone progressively decline as we age leading to an increased risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, dementia, bone density issues and inflammatory conditions.
There are other factors affecting hormone regulation as well including stress, diet and lifestyle, and even toxin exposure. Although our most dramatic hormone changes are felt in our teenage years and later in life, lifestyle factors can cause hormone imbalances at any stage.
Knowing your levels and managing your hormones throughout life offers you the opportunity to optimize your health and vitality and prevent future disease.
How do I get my hormone levels tested?
Different types of hormone tests are used for different symptoms and circumstances. Although urinary or DUTCH testing offers the most comprehensive evaluation, it is not necessary in all cases. A consultation with one of our knowledgeable naturopathic doctors can help you determine which test best suits your needs. At Silver Spruce, we offer three different ways to test hormones: