Non-invasive, subtle form of manual therapy.

Osteopathic practitioners have a profound knowledge of anatomy, that is used, trusted, and applied, through evidenced-based therapy, to restore the body’s foundation for healing.

What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a non-invasive, subtle form of manual therapy that uses gentle manipulation to restore optimal body mechanics, nerve impulses and circulation. Based on the theory and practice that our body’s structure and function work in tandem and are interrelated, osteopathy treats functional problems, like digestive issues, for example, by treating structural misalignments.

Osteopathic practitioners treat your problem area as well as strengthen the balance of all your body’s systems (including organ systems) to restore health.

What does Osteopathy treat?

Osteopathy treats more than you think, including, but not limited to:

  • acid reflux/GERD

  • ADHD
  • adrenal imbalance

  • allergies

  • arthritis

  • asthma

  • autoimmune support

  • cancer

  • cardiovascular disease

  • cold/flu (immune)

  • diabetes and metabolic syndrome

  • digestive disorders (SIBO/IBD/IBS)

  • endometriosis

  • fertility

  • food sensitivities

  • hormone imbalance (men and women)

  • insomnia

  • mood disorders (anxiety, depression, trauma)

  • neurological issues

  • PCOS

  • pediatric care

  • perimenopause/menopause

  • pre/post-partum

  • menstrual complaints

  • migraines

  • skin issues (acne, eczema, psoriasis, etc)

  • stress

  • thyroid disorders

  • weight concerns

Our Osteopath

Nathan Leong, M.OMSc., RMT
Gelareh Saneian, RMO, DOMP, DO (eu)

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