Assess your digestive system with the GI MAP Test

Unsanitary water sources are not the only cause of digestive complaints. An imbalance in gut bacteria (dysbiosis) can have varied causes or even a combination of causes, including stress, inflammation, antibiotic use and even hormone change. Find out if dysbiosis is the cause of your digestive difficulty.

Who is the GI MAP Test for?

The GI MAP test helps us get to the root cause of your symptoms by accurately assessing the health of your microbiome (community of bacteria within your gut). As Hippocrates said long ago: “All disease begins in the gut”. This has since been proven quite accurate. Although gut dysbiosis starts with minor symptoms, its overarching and negative impact on immune function, neurotransmitter imbalance, hormone regulation and nutritional absorption can lead to serious, long-term consequences.

How does the GI MAP Test work?

The GI MAP test evaluates the DNA strands of the bacteria identified within your gut. Evaluating DNA gives us the most accurate method to date to precisely determine the balance of healthy bacteria and opportunistic bacteria within your microbiome. The GI MAP test is a simple, one-day stool collection that can be done in the comfort of your home.

  • Diabetes and weight loss issues

  • Mood disorders, depression, and anxiety

  • Skin problems, like acne and psoriasis

  • Brain fog

  • ADHD and autism


  • Digestive complaints, diarrhea, or constipation

  • Autoimmune diseases

SIBO a common cause of chronic digestive symptoms.

SIBO, or Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth, is a common cause of chronic digestive symptoms and often mistakenly diagnosed as IBS.

What is SIBO?

Over 99% of our normal and healthy gut bacteria reside in our large intestine, leaving only 1% to reside in our small intestine. Being smaller and narrower in diameter, the small intestine is designed to efficiently absorb nutrients and pass digested food to the large intestine for further breakdown by the plethora of bacteria there.

When bacteria become pathologically overgrown in the small intestine where food is broken down and fermented in a much smaller space, it can create excessive gas, stomach pain and abdominal pressure.

SIBO can be a long-term consequence of bacterial gastroenteritis (traveler’s diarrhea), autoimmunity, chronic inflammatory bowel conditions, stress and dysbiosis (gut bacterial imbalance).

How is SIBO diagnosed?

At Silver Spruce, we are proud to offer the 3-hour Lactulose Quintron Breath Test, the most widely used SIBO breath test around the world and the gold standard in SIBO diagnostics. The SIBO test kit provides a straightforward, easy breath collection, that samples the full length of the small intestine. For patient and clinic convenience, the test is completed in the comfort of your home.

  • Excessive abdominal distension/bloating

  • Excessive trapped gas and abdominal pressure

  • Excessive flatulence (extremely pungent smelling in some cases)

  • Excessive belching

  • Abdominal pains

  • Halitosis

  • GERD

  • Nausea

  • Diarrhea

  • Constipation

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