Heavy metal toxic exposure is an unfortunate part of being human.

If you drink water and breathe air, heavy metal exposure is an inevitable part of life on earth. Our bodies can handle some toxic exposure, thanks to our liver, skin, bowels, kidneys, and other processes that help us detoxify. If you think you may be overburdened however, get tested.

Symptoms of Heavy Metal Toxicity

  • Unexplainable hair loss or alopecia

  • Bone density issues

  • Cardiovascular disease & hypertension

  • Depression and mood dysregulation

  • Dermatitis or poor wound healing

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Gastrointestinal symptoms

  • Immune function impairment

  • Impaired glucose tolerance

  • Inflammation

  • Nutritional deficiencies

  • Parkinson’s-like symptoms

How does testing work?

Urinary heavy metal testing evaluates the toxicity that has accumulated on a cellular level and is a more accurate marker of physiological toxic exposure and culmination of heavy metals over time than hair analysis.

Our urinary test includes administering a chelating agent (orally) before commencing the urinary collection. The oral chelating capsules facilitate pulling toxins from your cellular structure into circulation. Through metabolism, the dislodged toxins bind to the chelating agent and are excreted through your urine. The urinary collection after taking the chelating agent is 6 hours in length. This ensures we get an accurate estimate of your body’s burden of heavy metals. Accurate measures determine the approach of our protocol.

Additionally, this test also evaluates the level of your healthy elements. Healthy elements or minerals fundamentally support detoxification pathways. Without them, more toxins can accumulate.

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