Rebalancing the body to achieve optimal wellness.
Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine practice that uses needles or acupressure to specific points on the body, and along meridians or pathways that correspond to specific anatomical systems. Accessing our vital life force or Qi, is paramount in rebalancing the body and achieving optimal wellness. Acupuncture stimulates and/or quiets our energy achieving equilibrium in the flow of Qi energy. This holistic approach is not only effective for alleviating physical ailments but also for addressing mental and emotional imbalances.
What does Acupuncture treat?
Acupuncture has been recognized for its efficacy in treating a wide range of conditions including:
Our Designated Acupuncture Practitioners
All our Naturopathic Doctors at Silver Spruce are trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and TCM based acupuncture as well as myofascial release acupuncture.