High doses of nutrients through an intravenous line.
By administering substances this way, we can provide higher doses and greater absorption than is possible when nutrients are taken through diet or oral supplements. In some cases, IV administration also achieves a different mechanism of action than oral administration.
Who does IV help?
At Silver Spruce, we recommend IV therapy as part of a complete treatment plan for patients with a variety of conditions and health goals, including those looking for general health maintenance. IV therapy can particularly benefit patients with digestive conditions, weakened immune systems, thyroid and adrenal conditions, and chronic fatigue, as well as those needing support for athletic recovery.
For patients seeking supportive cancer care, we offer IV vitamin C along with other nutrients. A growing body of research suggests using IVC in combination with chemotherapy and other conventional medical treatments can improve quality of life, slow cancer progression, and reduce treatment related side-effects.
Benefits of IV Therapy
IV drip therapy is not just for critically ill patients. In fact, it can help people with many common health issues! Our cells need many nutrients to function at their best. When we are stressed, overworked, under rested or getting sub-optimal nutrition, our cells can become depleted. IV therapy is used in a naturopathic and integrated health care setting to correct these depletions and optimize bodies that are already in good health. Since nutrients from your IV drip do not need to be digested through the stomach and intestinal tract, we can give high doses that are absorbed directly by your cells.
How does IV Therapy work?
IV therapy works by bypassing the digestive system, allowing high doses of vitamins and minerals to immediately enter the bloodstream. This quick action is a tremendous benefit in restoring healthy levels in patients who are depleted in certain nutrients, sustaining levels in healthy individuals, and reaching therapeutic levels for the treatment of a wide range of conditions. Before any IV therapy is administered, our naturopathic doctors start with a complete health history, including blood work, to determine whether IV is an appropriate treatment strategy. They then provide a customized protocol. In most cases, a series of at least 4-6 IVs is recommended.
IVs are administered only by NDs who are board certified and regulated to do so. IV therapy is very safe for most patients and we take every precaution to ensure a comfortable experience. As with any procedure, you will be informed about the benefits, possible risks and side effects of your treatment before you begin.
Explore Our Formulations
Be Calm
With a mix of minerals and amino acids, this IV calms and elevates your mood by supporting dopamine and serotonin production. Good for anxiety, stress, focus and tranquility.
Be Clean
This potent formulation contains a powerful agent to support liver detoxification pathways. Used alone or in tandem with other formulations, this IV drip is excellent at treating hormonal, neurological and toxicity- based conditions.
Be Clear
Do you need to read a page twice to retain the information? For clearing mental fog and living your life more refreshed.
Be Energized
We cannot make your life stresses disappear, but we can help you handle them. High dose nutrients and minerals assist in optimal stress management and help maintain your energy level as you move through the day-to-day challenges.
Be Boosted
Need a pick-me-up but you’re short on time? We have you covered. Better for your health than coffee, this quick, simple, B vitamin-packed IV gives you an energy boost on the go. Feel better in less than 30 minutes.
Be Gorgeous
High in proline and other tissue- building amino acids, this formulation nourishes your body AND gets your glow on. Whether you are preparing for your wedding or just want to look fresh, BE GORGEOUS is a must for skin and hair.
Be Healed
In order for tissues to heal, the body needs nutrients to produce collagen. High in vitamin C and the building blocks to collagen production, this IV can support any surgical recovery. For best results, plan for pre and post surgery IVs.
Be Hydrated
Whether you are having a hard time keeping hydrated, recovering from a hangover, or just finished your triathlon, BE HYDRATED fills your cellular structure with much- needed fluid. For athletes, those chronically dehydrated, and those prone to dryness inside and out.
Be Octane
NAD has been shown to reduce oxidative stress and improve athletic performance in older men. This IV is compounded to support an increase in NAD levels for athletes (men and women) over 40 years of age with lower body weight.
Be High Octane
As with our BE OCTANE, this IV is compounded to reduce oxidative stress and increase performance capacity by increasing NAD levels. Because this IV has higher dose nutrients, Be High Octane is more appropriate for athletes with higher body weight.
Be Lean
Rev up your metabolism with our BE LEAN formulation. Packed with nutrients to support fat-burning capacity, this quick IV can help you meet your weight loss goals and look your best, all while reducing your long term risk for heart disease and diabetes.
Be Nourished
Depleted? Whether you are living a diet of french fries and pasta or whether you have digestive issues that inhibit nutrient absorption, this IV can get your body back on track. Best for hair loss, extreme weight loss, inflammatory bowel issues and conditions affecting appetite.
Be Pain Free
High in magnesium and supported by other nerve-calming nutrients, this IV can help with migraines, tension headaches, fibromyalgia and nervous system dysregulation disorders.
Be Resilient
This IV drip contains vitamins and minerals that can optimize your immune system. A great treatment for those with active viral/bacterial or allergic infections or those who are always getting sick.
Be Kidney Clear
Interested in dissolving your kidney stones rather than going through the pain of passing them? This IV offers low dose nutrients that may help your kidneys be stone free.
Be Strong
High in amino acids and used to support muscle building and sustained, continuous effort, this IV assists the body’s recovery process so you can keep your workouts consistent and injury free.
Be Super Charged
This IV is formulated with high dose nutrients to provide you with pre athletic event energy. We will get you to a personal best in no time!
Be Thyroid
Our thyroid gland is fundamental in almost every physiological process in the body. When dysregulated, it affects your energy, as well cellular functions body-wide. This IV is formulated with vitamins and minerals to support the body in producing and utilizing thyroid hormones.
Be Woman
If you are planning for a healthy pregnancy, this IV can start you well on your way. Optimizing your health can support the health of your future baby. Although we often give this IV to women, this IV can assist your daddy-to-be as well.
Our Naturopathic Doctors

Dr. Gail Sauer

Dr. Vaishna Sathiamoorthy

Dr. Dylan Coombs

Dr. Sophie Ma

Dr. Beata Ciceri