For maintaining health and wellbeing.

Our neurological system, comprising the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves, plays a pivotal role in orchestrating various bodily functions and maintaining health and wellbeing. A neurological system that is out of balance can impact the immune system, hormone regulation, and overall cellular function, influencing our potential to recover from illnesses and injuries.

How do our neurological systems get out of balance?

Trauma (recent and past), chronic stress, mental/emotional distress, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices can disrupt our delicate neuro-balance. Realizing these factors, exploring them, changing the ones we can control and processing and finding peace with the ones we cannot control can lead to profound changes in our neurological operating system leading to reset, rebalance and deep and effective healing.

Dr. Gail Sauer and Fiona Thomson RMT have a profound interest in the role of subconscious patterning and the potential for healing. Through becoming aware of our internal and base subconscious configuration, we give ourselves the opportunity to reset our narrative and begin to realize our true potential. Both Dr. Gail and Fiona Thompson RMT continue to be inspired by their purpose of inviting patients to recognize, own, and empower themselves in their path of conscious healing.

How can Neuro-Reset help?

Our Neuro-Reset Practitioners

Dr. Gail Sauer
Fiona Thomson, RMT

Your road to wellness starts here.

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