
New Location

New Location

When I let go of who I am, I become what I might be.~Lao TzuFALLING INTO THE NEW - SILVER SPRUCE IS MOVING LOCATIONS!This miraculous dahlia is in my vegetable garden. I planted the roots late this year and have been pleasantly surprised with the astounding beauty...

The Elusive State of Resilience

The Elusive State of Resilience

Autumn embraces change, even when she is falling to pieces.~Angie Weiland CrosbyTHE ELUSIVE STATE OF RESILIENCE Cool winds are beginning to blow. The sun is arching a little lower in the sky these days.  Kids are preparing for the return to an unfamiliar world and...

“Male Menopause”:  Understanding and Treating Low Testosterone

“Male Menopause”: Understanding and Treating Low Testosterone

By Dylan Coombs ND and Nathan Leong M.OMSc   What is Andropause? The symptoms are familiar to many men: low energy, weight gain, weakening muscles, reduced sexual performance, poor memory and concentration… Often, men chalk up these changes, and a variety of...