By Gail Sauer ND

“When you love, things make even more sense.” ~ Paulo Coelho

Our “normal” has changed.  Some of us are keeping busy with tasks we have wanted to do for a while now:  organizing our bookshelves, dusting all those places that have been neglected, baking enough banana bread to feed a community.  All of these things have provided some solace in the face of global change.

Others of us, however, have been suffering in the depths of sadness, of anxiety, worry and grief associated with things “lost” – job loss, financial loss, loss of routine, loss of purpose, loss of stability.

When change presents itself, our typical tendency is to hold fast and tightly onto things as we know them.  How much of this attachment is fear encouraging us to hold onto the familiar? Change can be intimidating and scary.  Change can push us out of our comfort zone. Venturing out of this comfort zone can be anything but comfortable!

Despite the uncertainty, fear and devastation that the changes of COVID-19 have caused, certain aspects of the associated changes have been good, even remarkable!  Both NASA and ESA (European Space Agency) have pollution monitoring satellites that create images of pollution globally, detecting carcinogenic noxious gases and carbon emission.  As you can see by the images below, these noxious gases over Wuhan, China has resolved completely with the decrease in industrial production and vehicular traffic.  Similarly remarkable changes have been seen over Italy.

These images of air pollution are an important reminder: our “norm,” or the way we have been existing on this earth, is not sustainable.  Our consumerism, capitalism and commercialism are having colossal impacts on our environment some of which include polluted air, plastic-filled oceans and victimized animals.  Because we are all a part of the ecosystem we inhabit, we are not separate from this dysfunction.  An ailing planet results in ailing inhabitants. But how quickly this can change!  In a few short months, Wuhan’s air has completely regenerated: an inspiration indeed.

Perhaps, if we are all willing, we can use this time of quiet, this time of staying home and of being with ourselves as an opportunity for deeper awareness.  Perhaps this can be a retreat of sorts: a time to return to our own hearts, a mindful transformation into love.

Every action can be a transformational reflection of love.  Smiling and waving at our neighbour despite physical distancing is an act of love towards another human being.  Making a commitment to refrain from purchasing single-use plastic is an act of love for our oceans.  Walking instead of using a motorized vehicle to run errands is an act of love for our air, love for our children that breathe the same air and love for our own lungs.  Purchasing local, organic produce is an act of love for our community and for our soil that remains pure with conscious farming.

Instead of waiting for things to return to “normal,” maybe the infinite love that we all carry with us can create a new normal—a normal that is based in loving ourselves, loving the earth and loving each other.  Being this love and offering it to all that seems separate from us, but with which we are actually one, can bring about the inspired global transformation that is so needed in this time of now.